他の化学薬品の力を借りるかでした。 いずれの方法も使用した成分の数パーセント(例えばミノキシジルの場合は3%) しか皮膚内部に浸透しないと言う欠点がありました。リポソームの発見は多くの成分の皮膚浸透性を大きく高めましたが、ダーマローラーはそれを更に向上させる物です。
ダーマローラーC8/02 (Hair Edition)は、スパイク長 0.13mmの在来型C-8版では、髪の毛がある部分に使用した場合、皮膚に届きにくいのでスパイクをもっと長くして欲しいという多くの要望に応えて開発された育毛専用バージョンです。
ダーマローラーC8/02のスパイクのひとつひとつは長さ 0.20mm 太さ 0.08mmのもので、最上部の皮膚レイヤー(角質層)に極めて小さな針穴をあけます。
ダーマローラーの使用により、皮膚に塗布された有効成分は、これらの浸潤経路を通って真皮に直接配達されるのです。 この動的浸潤方法は疑いなく有利です。 効果が高く苦痛がありません。

ダーマローラーのマイクロスパイクは、角質層に小さな浸潤経路をあけます。 そこからリポソームが直接表皮に入ることを可能にします。 通常の塗布使用と比較して約40倍までの皮膚浸透の向上が達成されました。
(以下は当初モデル C-8での測定結果です。)
在来品 (通常のミノキシジル)

詳細は別途 pdfファイル参照

3時間後には、薬剤塗布とダーマローラーC-8の利用では、塗布成分の合計28.5%が角質層内に発見された。 コントロールグループでは 13.7%でした。すなわち、角質層への浸透は
105%向上しました。 真皮への浸透は僅か 3.3%でした。また、レセプターコンパートメントでは 0.5%でした。
文書1)は、ドイツのマーブルグ大学のファール教授の監督の下、薬剤技術生物薬剤学研究所(Institute for Pharmaceutical Technology
and Biopharmacy)により2001年5月に行われました。

重要: 同じ箇所で2回から3回、一方向に転がしてください。
ダーマローラーFAQ・メンテ方法 にも更に説明があります。
This brand-new invention from Europe will solve the main problem of all topical
anti-hairloss products - skin penetration. Until today they were only two possibilities
to infiltrate an active substance direct and free of side effects to the cells
of the deeper skin layers. Either by the systemic application of drugs in form
of pills or injection or by means of topical applied chemicals (mainly acids).
The disadvantage of both methods is that only a few percent ( f.e. less than 3
% of Minoxidil pen etrates the skin !) of
the substance reaches the lower skin layers. The discovery of liposomes improved
the skin penetration of a number of substances significantly but the use of the
Dermaroller will improve this even further. The Dermaroller is a cylinder-shaped
instrument studded with tiny, almost invisible micro-spikes. They are so short
(0,18 mm) and so slim (0,08 mm) that they just set an invisible micro-perforation
in the uppermost skin layer (stratum corneum).

Through these infiltration channels the active substance is delivered directly
to the dermis.
This dynamic infiltration technique has unquestionable advantages.
It is efficient and free of pain. The Dermaroller is a byproduct of cosmetic research
and clinically tested for the use with liposomal products but can be used with
a variety of anti-hairloss products - even homemade preparations.
The liposomes can penetrate the scale-like layers of the stratum corneum
with some percent. From this depot they slowly seep through the epidermis towards
the lower dermis.
The dermaroller micro-spikes set fine infiltration channels through which the
reach the dermis directly. In comparison to a usual topical preparation an improvement
of skin penetration by the factor of 40 is achieved. The infiltration channels
are closed again within minutes.
With the help of the most advanced technology, the so-called confocal laser
scanning photography, science managed to get a deeper insight into the skin. In
order to make such photos a lipophilic fluorescent probe was incorporated in liposomes
and applied on the skin. Three hours later the penetration of the liposomes through
the stratum corneum were pictured under the scanner-microscope.
conventional (f.e. regular Minoxidil
liposomal product ( f.e. Lipoxidil
liposomal + Dermaroller
Here the written results:
Three hours after the application and treatment with the Dermaroller C-8 a
total of 28.5 % of the applied substance ( Retin-A ) was found in the stratum
corneum. In the control group only 13.7 %. That means penetration into the stratum
corneum has improved about 105 %. Only 3.3 % penetrated into the lower skin layers
and 0.5% were found in the receptor compartment. This confirms that the Dermaroller
C-8 delivers to the stratum corneum without loosing too much substance to the
lower skin layers and without the risk of systemic side effects
The development of the Dermaroller took almost three years. Although we were
convinced that this simple instrument would exactly do what we expected right
from the beginning we requested science to prove our thesis on neutral ground.
The first study ( German
language only ) for the efficiency for the infiltration of active substances with
a new device, the Dermaroller, was carried out in spring 2001 by the Institute
for Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy under the supervision of Prof. Fahr
from the University of Marburg / Germany.

The second study from July 2001
( in English ) demonstrated very impressively the penetration of liposomes
with the method of confocal laser scanning microscopy.
How to use the Dermaroller ?
The Dermaroller can and should be used with every application of an anti-hairloss
product. The use is absolutely pain-free and the invisible micro perforation of
the skin disappears in minutes.
The topical product has to be applied first (!!). Then use the Dermaroller
with light to medium pressure. Very important - roll 2-3 times over the same
spot but only in one direction. If you roll back and forth you will tangle your
existing hair in the roller. Always roll away from the hair root. Use your hands
to keep existing hair out of your way as good as possible.
For the first days
this will be an unusual and strange procedure but after a week you will be used
to it ! Guaranteed!
Each Dermaroller is handmade in Europe. BTW - the Dermaroller can be used
for all kinds of cosmetic products ( f.e. anti-wrinkle cream ) also.